HomeManage 2011 ini merupakan software yang agak asing nih pasti di telinga temen-temen...
Mungkin HomeManage 2011 ini lebih cocok untuk temen-temen udah punya rumah ataupun yang seorang bussinessman.. hehehe
Dengan HomeManage 2011 ini temen-temen bisa mendata semua aset/barang-barang yang ada dirumah
temen-temen... Apalagi temen-temen yang tair nih yang dirumahnya banyak barang,, bisa dibukukan di HomeManage 2011 beserta nilai nya....
Sebenernya masih banyak lagi temen-temen kegunaannya, tetapi dhizka juga masih memperhatikan nih, katanya sih bisa melacak barang-barang gitu.... Coba aja langsung
kesini. HomeManage Home Inventory Software |
- Keep an organized record of your possessions. Get rid of folders filled with receipts, warranties and photographs.
- Relax when you change residences. Use HomeManage to keep track of your belongings when you move. Make certain that nothing gets left behind or disappears in transit
- Have a record of each item you own in case you need to make an insurance claim for loss or damage.
- Be thorough in your estate planning. By recording each item and noting its beneficiary, you can help communicate your intentions for estate planning, and provide excellent backup to your will.
- Use HomeManage in your small business. keep track of computers, printers, tools and other assets that belong to your small business.
System Requirements: Windows XP / Vista (32 & 64 bit) / Windows 7 (all versions) |
Download :
Installer + Crack :Download HomeManage 2011 + Crack Via MF (46 MB)Password : dhizka
Crack Only :Download Crack HomeManage 2011 Via MF (4 MB)Tested by me (Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit) WorkedPosted by Admin Okky
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