Hmmmm sebenernya Guitar Pro 6 ini sudah lama keluarnya, namun banyak temen-temen dhizka yang me-request Guitar Pro 6 ini... Memang kebanyakan yang di mana-mana sulit untuk aktivasi dan membuat Guitar Pro 6 ini menjadi full version, tapi yang dhizka share ini sudah dapat dipastikan berhasil, dhizka yang membuat sendiri tutorialnya.. hehehhehehe
Buat temen-temen yang belum tahu, Guitar Pro 6 ini merupakan sebuah software yang tidak asing oleh orang yang bergelut di dunia musik, gitaris khususnya... Basicly kemampuan utama dari Guitar Pro 6 ini adalah untuk membuat musik midi dari semua instrumen.. Namun kebanyakan orang menggunakan software ini untuk mencari petikan-petikan gitar aslinya atau biasa disebut dengan "ngulik".. Pada Guitar Pro 6 ini akan terlihat jelas tombol yang mana yang harus di pencet... Untuk sumber lagu-lagunya, dhizka menyarankan untuk download
Guitar Pro 6 for Windows
Minimal Requirements (MIDI Playback)
- Windows® XP / Vista / Win 7, or Ubuntu 32 bits 9.10 or higher (officially supported distribution)
- Administrator's rights for installation, Internet connection for activation*
- Intel Pentium 4 type processor
- 1 GB RAM
- Sound card - DVD-ROM drive
- 256 MB free HD space
- Screen resolution 1024 x 768
Technical Specifications
- Tablature editor for fretted instruments, from 4 to 8 strings
- Natively Windows / Mac / Linux compatible.
- Additional support for percussion and piano tracks
- Editing, display, and printing in tablature, standard notation, and rhythmic “slash” notation
- Multitrack scores
- 6 retractable panels, or "Universes": Edition, Instrument, RSE, Mastering, Chords, Lyrics.
- Multiple Document Interface
- Full-screen mode
- Complete stylesheet, to let you customize your scores (symbols, fonts, proportions, etc.)
- Possibility to switch from jazz to classical style in one click
- Advanced notation for the guitar: tablature for up to 8 strings, accented notes, left-hand tapping, rasgueado, arpeggio, rythmic "slash" notation (above and/or within the tablature), extended barre, partial capo
- Numerous effects (bend, slide, vibrato, grace notes, harmonics, etc.)
- Total support of chord diagrams (librairy + automatic recognition)
- Advanced standard notation: Grand Staff for piano, concert or transposition tone, G-, F-, and C-clefs, opening/closing repeat signs, free-time measures, multirests, fermata
- Fully customizable n-tuplets
- Double signs and ornaments: Simple and double simile bars, double dotting, double flat and double sharp, mordents and turns, two types of grace notes, etc.
- Percussion wizard
- Lyrics support
- Timer
- Note-capturing via a MIDI instrument
- Note duration wizard
- Capturing via multiple selection
- Repeat signs, and multiple coda signs
- Key signature wizard
- Extended copy/past (special paste from track to track, in multiple selection)
- Chord library for faster writing of chord into the score
- Simplified grace-note editing
- Intuitive editing of accidentals
- 1- to 4-voice editing, and multivoice editing
- Clickable score elements (tempo, clef …)
- Advanced automation wizard (temo, volme, panoramic)
- Unlimited Undo/Redo
- Professional-quality printing
- Multitrack printing
- Choice between tablature, standard notation, and “slash” notation
- 100% customizable printing (size, fonts, proportions, area, elements, etc.)
- Print preview
- Score MIDI playback, with guitar effects (bend, etc.)
- Tuning library and possibility to tune each string independently
- Tempo selection
- Several dozens of instrument available with RSE
- Customizable effect chain (amps, stompboxes, racks) for each track
- Global mastering (compressor, reverb, equalization)
- 5-band semi-parametric equalizer for each track
- Choice of playing style (slap, picking, …)
- Humanization of playback (accentuation, autobrush, …)
- Selection of the instrument, volume, pan, chorus and reverb for each track
- 12-stringed guitar simulation
- Triplet feel playback
- Possibility to insert changes events (tempo, volume, instrument, etc.)
- Real-time Mixing with Soundboard
- Multitrack Import and Export with ASCII, MIDI formats, including quantization (0/1 formats)
- Optimized fingering for the MIDI importation
- MusicXML, WAV (audio), PDF, PNG (image) Export
- Transposition of part of a score via multiple selection
- Digital Tuner
- Guitar and bass virtual Fretboards
- Virtual Keyboard
- Scale analysis over multiple selection
- Speed Trainer (to practice part of a score in accelerating loops)
- Automatic bar-length wizard
- Automatic fingering wizard for optimal finger positioning
- Possibility to swap voices, to copy-paste from one voice to another
- gp3, gp4, gp5, gpx
- MusicXML
Download :
Installer + Soundbanks + Crack & Keygen :Download Guitar Pro 6 + Soundbanks + Crack & Keygen Via MF Part 1Download Guitar Pro 6 + Soundbanks + Crack & Keygen Via MF Part 2Download Guitar Pro 6 + Soundbanks + Crack & Keygen Via MF Part 3Download Guitar Pro 6 + Soundbanks + Crack & Keygen Via MF Part 4 Download Guitar Pro 6 + Soundbanks + Crack & Keygen Via MF Part 5Download Guitar Pro 6 + Soundbanks + Crack & Keygen Via MF Part 6Password : dhizka
Crack & Keygen Only :Download Crack & Keygen Guitar Pro 6 Via MF (12 MB)Tested by me (Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit) WORKED...
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