Collected outwith quotes
Some time ago I wrote a
post titled
'Is outwith a word?' (link below), which continues to get quite a lot of hits. The preposition
outwith is used in educated Scottish English to mean something like '
outside, not part of'. One way to look at it is as the opposite of
Recently there have been a couple of comments on that post which have led me to look for examples among well-known Scottish writers, and I thought it might be a good idea to collect these examples of outwith together, where possible linking to them in Google Books or other source.
I've also included a section with more historical use, often using facsimiles from the books themselves. Apart from anything else, these show what the Scottish English of the Court and the Law of these times looked like, and the sort of spellings that were then prevalent.
As it is my intention that this should be an ongoing work, and that I will be adding examples to it as and when I find them, I've made a page rather than a post for them, which can be found
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