Complete the word families from the word given. Based loosely on the Academic Word List (AWL), these exercises will give you some practice in word formation.
- Where two possibilities exist, I've gone for the simpler one, so creation rather than creativity, conceive rather than conceptualise, etc.
- Verbs like realise, recognise etc are spelt with the British -ise ending.
- Word families are taken from the Academic Word List, and the lists reflect the sublists in the AWL. So List 1 contains the most common words, List 10 the least common words. The idea is to master the earlier goups before going on to the later groups.
- Adjectives in these lists are usually formed with suffixes, such as -able, -ive, -ical. I've only used -ed, -ing adjectives when they are the only possibility. I these few cases I've chosen the most common.
- The exercises currently cover the first four sublists of the AWL. More to follow.
- Printing - the exercise will print cleanly on Page 2
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