There are relatively few phrasal verbs based on the verb give, but some of them have more than one meaning. Test your knowledge with these exercises. If you get stuck, you can check their meanings at the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary linked to below (scroll down to Phrasal verbs).
Click and Drop - In each exercise click on a word in the box and then click on an appropriate gap. If you change your mind, just repeat the process.
A quick word on give up and give in
In some circumstances these two are very similar and even interchangeable. Let's look at some definitions from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary:
give in
- to admit you have been defeated by somebody or something
The rebels were forced to give in.
- to agree to do something you do not want to do
The authoritites showed no sign of giving in to the kidnappers'demands.
give up
- to stop trying to do something
They gave up without a fight.
She doesn't give up easily.
I give up - tell me the answer.
To me, give up suggests that it is the activity itself that gets too much for someone, whereas give in suggests that you yield or surrender to somebody else. In the three examples of give up, we could replace up with in if there was somebody else involved. Similarly, in the first example of give up, we could substitute up with in. But in the second example with to, we only use in:
- He gave in to temptation
NOT He gave up to temptation
In the exercises, I've used the answer I think is most likely, but there are a couple of questions where you could have a choice:
Show explanationIn these questions I think you have a choice:
- Ex 2, Q6 - note that you give somebody up to somebody else.
- Ex 3, Q4 - give up suggests that the police took charge of their passports
- Ex 3, Q12 - I give up to the question, but I give in to you
But I don't think these questions are so ambiguous:
- Ex 1, Q1 - this is about her and her job. Nobody else is involved.
- Ex 2. Q4 - they gave in to somebody
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