Try to fill the gaps by guessing the answers first. Then you can either listen to the song, or choose the words from those given, in which case click on the two 'Show words'.
To listen to the song click
here, and the YouTube video will start in a new tab (window for IE, but you can always right click and new tab) - there's no embedding on this one. As soon as the tab opens come back here to do the exercise. You're probably better writing down the answers and then entering them after the song's finished, rather than trying to type in while listening. The best idea would to print out the exercise first, if possible.
Exercise 1 - Fill the gaps. The missing words are all prepositions, conjunctions or adverbs.
Exercise 2 - Then for each gap you filled, decide which part of speech (word class) your answer is, and enter p for preposition, c for conjunction or a for adverb in the small boxes on the right.
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