This is intended to be one of several posts where I take a look at conditionals from a rather different angle. Zero Conditional rarely gets more than a couple of lines in course books; I'm going to look at in rather more detail, and hopefully encourage you to think about its function, not simply its form.
2. Zero conditionals have the following characteristics:
- They usually have the same tense in both condition clause and result clause.
- We can usually replace if with when or whenever.
- If / When / Whenever I'm in town, I visit my aunt.
- If / When / Whenever the weather is fine, we go to the park.
- If / When / Whenever you buy two, you get an extra one free.
- When we use the word you in Zero Conditional, it often refers to people in general, not somebody in particular.
- What do you do if you have some free time? (you = you)
- What do you need if you want to make a model airplane? (you = people in general)
- We can sometimes use unless instead of if not
- Unless it's raining, I usually go for a walk in the forest on Saturdays.
- People can't fish in this river unless they have a permit.
4. Real conditionals and Unreal conditionals
Another way of looking at conditionals is to divide them into two broad categories - those that use normal tenses, sometimes called Real conditionals, and those that use special tenses, sometimes called Unreal conditionals.
Zero and First conditionals are part of the first category - Real conditionals, that's to say that we use real time tenses with them. Note that there are many conditional structures in this category that don't fit into the Zero and First conditional patterns.
The main thing thing to remember here is that for present and future time we use a present tense in the if-clause and follow the normal rules of tense and modals in the result clause, and so:
Real conditionals include:
- General conditions in the present (Zero conditional)
present ... present / modal / imperative
If it's raining, I usually take the bus.
- Present or future probability (First conditional)
present ... will, going to / modal / imperative
If it's raining, we'll take the bus.
- General conditions in the past (Zero in the past - see below)
Past simple / Past continuous ... past
If he was late for work, he took a taxi.
- Past conditions (when we don't know if they've been fulfilled yet) with present or future result
Present perfect / Past simple / Past continuous ... will, going to / modal / imperative
If he managed to catch the early train, he should be here any minute.
- Various constructions, where the result is dependent on the condition being fulfilled, but which don't quite fit the patterns of First conditional
If it stops raining, why don't we go for a walk?
- Various other constructions, including false conditions, where the condition has already been fulfilled, and psuedo conditions where the result is not dependent on the condition being fulfilled. These often mix time references and tenses.
If you don't like seafood, you should have said.
If you're hungry, there's some ham and cheese in the fridge.
Unreal conditionals include:
- Present or future condition when something is unlikely or hypothetical (Second conditional)
past ... would / modal / imperative
If it were't so far, we could walk.
- Past condition with impossible result (Third conditional)
Past perfect ... would / could have
If he hadn't missed the train, he could have got there on time.
- Mixed conditionals
If he hadn't missed the train, he would be here by now.
If he wasn't so slow, he would have caught the train.
I've already looked at what I call pseudo conditionals in another post (see below) and I hope to address the question of those constructions, where the result is dependent on the condition being fulfilled, but which don't fit the patterns of First conditional in another post soon.
There's a table below where I combine the two ideas: 0,1,2,3 and Real / Unreal in one overall view.
5. Zero or First Conditional?
Case study 1
Look at these two sentences, both of which are given as examples of Zero Conditional on ESL/EFL websites:
- If he gets there before me, ask him to wait.
- If I'm late for dinner, start eating without me.
Both of these sentences, with imperatives in the result clause, look to me as if they relate to specific occasions, in which case they are First Conditionals, not Zero. We have to think about the function, not only the form.
In fact, the website which gave the second answer says that this is an example of what to do in certain circumstances, not just on one specific occasion, in which case he's correct, this is a Zero Condition. These examples tell us two things:
- Many teachers and experts accept an imperative in the result clause as an acceptable form in Zero Conditional.
- In some circumstances a Zero Conditional can look exactly like a First Conditional
- If I'm late for dinner (any day), start eating without me. (Zero Conditional)
- If I'm late for dinner (tonight), start eating without me. (First Conditional)
Again we have to think of the function, not just the form.
Case study 2
In a couple of posts about the Passive I wrote a short exercise about the Taj Mahal, which included the following sentence:
- If you are ever in Uttar Pradesh in northern India, you must visit the Taj Mahal
Again the structure is exactly the same whether it's a Zero or First conditional. I would say that it refers to a general condition, so is a Zero, but it's open to interpretation.
6. Zero in the Past?
There's a pair of sentences sometimes quoted on US grammar websites.
- If he were sorry, he'd apologise.
- If he was sorry, he apologised.
I think these are probably intended to show that you are 'supposed' to use the subjunctive were for hypothetical conditions and the indicative was for real conditions, but as I rarely use subjunctive were, I ignored that bit.
What bothered me was that second sentence: I couldn't make out what it meant. Finally I realised - it's not about a condition on a specific occasion, but about a general condition in the past. And this got me to thinking that it's really like a Zero conditional in the past.
We have, for example, parallel tenses, albeit in past simple. And remember that with Zero conditionals we can replace if with when or whenever, which is exactly what we can do here:
- When(ever) he was sorry, he apologised.
This, I think, is rather easier to understand than the original version. I thought perhaps I'd invented a new category, but of course others had got there first, including Grammarring (linked to below). So my proposition is:
Let's have an additional sub-category - Zero in the past
if + past simple / past continuous, ........... past simple / used to / would (see below)
As well the famous - If he was sorry, he apologised - this would include sentences such as:
- If he came to see us, he always brought a present for Charlie.
- If we didn't feel like doing it, we didn't do it. It was as simple as that.
- If she visited Paris, the first thing she used to do was go to the Louvre.
- In Victorian times, if somebody didn't have a job, they often ended up in the poorhouse.
- If he wasn't working at the weekend, he would go into the mountains.
If you thought that the last example looks like a Second conditional, you're absolutely right, the form is exactly the same, but here it's a general condition about his habits in the past. See the next section for an explanation.
To be honest, I don't think this type of sentence is very common, at least not with if. I'm pretty sure, when or whenever are more common.
7. Zero in the Past or Second Conditional?
Remember that we can use would instead of used to to talk about past habits. This means that Zero in the Past can sometimes look exactly the same as a Second conditional:
- If she visited Paris, she would go to the Louvre.
Zero in the past - Every time she visited Paris in the past, she used to go to the Louvre. (visited = real past, would = past habit)
- If she visited Paris, she would go to the Louvre.
2nd conditional - If at some time in the future she gets the opportunity to visit Paris (which she seems to think unlikely), she intends to visit the Louvre.(visited = unreal past, would = past of will)
In this type of sentence, the context will tell us which it is. And it illustrates again why I think it is just as important to think of the function as the form.
An overall view of conditionals
1. Real conditionals - these use normal tenses
True conditionals - the result is dependent on the condition being fulfilled
General conditions
- Zero conditional
- Zero in the past
Specific occasions
- First conditional
- 'Quasi firsts' - Conditionals where the result is dependent on the condition being fulfilled , but which don't exactly meet the standard rules of First conditional, mixing time references for example, and including certain types of suggestions. I hope to look at these in a future post.
'Pseudo' conditionals - the result is not directly dependent on the condition
- Various patterns of false and 'pseudo' conditionals using normal tenses in a variety of combinations. See my post
2. Unreal conditionals - these use special tenses
True conditionals - either hypothetical or impossible
These only apply to specific occasions
- Open - hypothetical
- Second conditional
- Mixed 2/3
- Closed - impossible
- Third conditional
- Mixed 3/2
3. Conditionals in narratives, reported speech, future in the past etc
These use a variety of forms, which often involve tense shifting
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