kali ini dhizka akan memposting satu lagi expansion pack nya, yaituuu Age of Empires III - The Warchiefs ini.. heooheoeoeo
Dalam Age of Empires III - The Warchiefs ini juga bertambah lagi cerita campaign nya temen-temen, kerajaannya juga bertambah, ditambah lagi dengan gambarnya yang baguss membuat suasana perang semakin
Tapi yang penting harus install
Age of Empires III dulu ya baru install Age of Empires III - The Warchiefs nya.
Ayooo deh langsung aja buat temen-temen yang penggila RTS game dicobaaa... whowhowhooo
- Play as the versatile Iroquois or the powerful Germans in skirmish mode
- Explore the varied terrain along the California coast
- Improve your persistent Home City across multiple games
- Play through the first two single-player missions of the continuing tale of the Black family
Minimum System Requirements: |
CPU: | 1.4 GHz equivalent or higher processor |
VGA: | 64 MB video card with support for hardware transformation and lighting required |
OS: | Microsoft® Windows® XP or higher |
http://gamesystemrequirements.com/ |
HDD: | 2 GB available hard disk space |
Sound: | Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio |
ODD: | 32x speed or faster CD-ROM drive |
Network: | 56K dial-up Internet Access or LAN required for online/multiplayer |
Recommended peripheral: | Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device |
Note: Requires Age of Empires III to play |
Download Age of Empires III - The Warchiefs + Crack (NEW LINK)
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