Hmmm siapa nih temen-temen dhizka yang suka main musik?? hhehhee
dhizka punya software keren nih temen-temen, memang sangat kecil ukurannya.. namunn kemampuannya keren.. hehehehe
Dengan One Man Band 10.0 ini kita bisa bermain piano dengan keyboard temen-temen, dengan sangat banyak jenis suara.. Juga sudah tertera chords-chords nya, cocok nih buat temen-temen yang baru belajar hehehe...
Hmm apa lagi yaa,, mmm dengan One Man Band 10.0 ini juga kita bisa langsung me-record permainan kita... heheheh
Sebenernya banyak banget temen-temen featurenya, temen-temen bisa lihat langsung tutorial pemakainnya disini -->
TUTORIALKeren kan temen-temen? ayooo cobaaa.. hehehehehe
Features included in One Man Band Originals
- Windows 98/2000/NT/Me/XG/Vista/Windows7
- Plays all Yamaha styles (live and sequenced)
- Automatic XG to GM conversion (in GM mode)
- Reads and writes MIDI files, including XF chords.
- Plays and creates Karaoke files
- Hosts DXi and VSTi soft synths with support for ASIO drivers.
- Supports Cakewalk .INS files for browsing instrumentbanks
- Synchronises with other arrangers and sequencers thru MIDI clocks, both as master (sending clocks) and as slave (receiving clocks)
Playing Live
- Store all the presets to play a particular song (style, tempo, multivoice, etc.) and reactivate them with a single key stroke.
- Accompaniment continues to play while a new style is loaded (switch without a glitch).
- Full fingered chord recognition for 34 chord types.
- Single finger chord recognition for major, minor and 7th chords.
- Chord recognition for slash chords e.g C/E.
- Free Form chord recognition allows for any keycombination, independant from existing chords.
- Control the tempo with a modulation wheel or volume pedal.
- Full keyboard chord recognition with chord fixation pedal.
- Play bass runs in the chord section.
- Play chords with a set of MIDI pedals, a MIDI guitar or a MIDI accordion.
- Supports vocal harmonizers.
- 2 automatic harmonies for melody voices (close harmony and wide harmony).
- Up to 4 instruments can be mixed for melody voices.
- Enter commands for variation, tempo and volume changes, loading styles etc. using a MIDI keyboard controller.
- On-screen display of the special functions of the MIDI keyboard controller. Including browsing thru style directories.
- Switches for style variations (fill in A etc.) can be assigned to any key, slider, knob, button, wheel or pedal that sends MIDI signals or to PC-keyboard keys.
- Record your real time performance in a MIDI file.
- Create accompaniment sequences (chords and directives) with the "drag and drop operated" arranger window.
- Import melody and chords from MIDI files.
- Add melody in real time or "drag and drop" notes on staff
- Record chord sequences from your keyboard in the song window
- Comprehensive sequencer for standard MIDI files
- Detailed editing in eventslist and pianoroll
- Add time dependend lyrics in real time to a MIDI file and create a karaoke file
Style creating
- Edit all the style parameters
- A style programming language to make modifications to styles in batch.
- A mixer window with sliders for rapid style tweaking
- Record style tracks
- Record live (e.g. wahwah) effects with the mixer window in styles and songs
- Convert MIDI files to styles.
- Export and import style tracks to produce "morphed" styles
- Export and import style parts to produce "medley" styles containing variations of different styles
- A drumset conversion tool
- Apply random velocity to introduce more variety in styles
- Detailed editing on style tracks in eventslist and pianoroll
Download :Installer + Crack :Download One Man Band 10.0 + Crack Via MF (4 MB)Password : dhizkaCrack Only :Download Crack One Man Band 10.0 Via MF (1 MB)Tested by me (Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit)
Posted by Admin Okky
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